The fortress is one of the most important witnesses of the military medieval architecture in the Lorraine region, in the west part of France. A first castle was built at the end of the XIth century by the Counts of Vaudemont. In 1373, it became the property of the Neufchatel family. Two members of the family, Thibaut VIII and Thibaut IX considerably strengthened the castle to adapt it to artillery over the 1430-1450 period. The fortress was unfortunately destroyed by the troops of Louis XIV during the 1670-1671 winter. Fallen into oblivion, the ruins extend over more than 5 hectares. Today, visitors can access three floors of subterranean galleries, the double artillery wall in front of a large ditch on the north side as well as the artillery boulevard on the south side in front of the Mosel river. A museum displaying the artifacts found during the excavation is also accessible.

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